
Help us, help you live better!

First Assessment and Follow Up Treatments

What You and Your Pet can Expect


Your Animal First Visit

During the initial visit, our practitioner will conduct a comprehensive health assessment of your pet, focusing on the spine, joints, muscles, and nervous system. If deemed suitable, a personalized treatment plan will be formulated to cater to your pet’s specific needs, incorporating a variety of treatment techniques such as:

  • Joint mobilizations
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Positional release therapy
  • Myofascial release therapy
  • Cranio-sacral manipulation
  • Visceral (organ) manipulation
  • Bioflex Laser (cold-laser therapy) - particularly effective post-surgery as it helps reduce secondary complications like blood clots and excessive scar tissue development.

If our practitioner determines that your pet’s condition would be better treated or co-treated by another healthcare professional (or requires veterinary care), an appropriate referral will be made.

During follow-up visits, our practitioner may employ one or more of the various manual care techniques, along with the use of Bioflex Laser therapy, to further enhance your pet’s healing process. Your pet’s treatment will often include postural exercises that you can assist your pet with at home, and other healthy living suggestions if deemed appropriate, such as joint health supplements.

Nichelle offers osteopathic care for animals of all types and ages, addressing a range of acute and chronic conditions including chronic pain, sports injuries (competitive show dogs), and post-surgical care and rehabilitation.